A Portrait With Your Mother
I’ve written plenty of times before about how important I think it is for moms to be in the photograph – like here, here and here. If you’re anything like me, you’re probably not in a lot of your family’s photographs….
I’ve written plenty of times before about how important I think it is for moms to be in the photograph – like here, here and here. If you’re anything like me, you’re probably not in a lot of your family’s photographs….
I’m really excited to start adding video articles into the mix. Watch for one every month or so from here on out. The first video is something near and dear to my heart… improving self esteem through family photographs. As parents…
For a long time there was a pervasive thought in the design community that family photographs shouldn’t be displayed on your walls. And while I whole-heartedly agree that highly posed, formal, emotionless portraits aren’t likely a great choice for the heart…
Of course I’ll take a beautiful family portrait with all of you smiling at the camera prettily… but I bet you I’ll take ones you’ll love even more. Like the one of this mama and her husband and their three wild…
These three beside me in this photograph? They are my tribe. Whatever else happens in our little world, good or bad, I’ve got their back and they’ve got mine. That right there is the reason I love the family photograph so…
I remember when my two were babes and people would come over and comment on how sweet and quiet and perfect they were. Are they nuts? My babes cried non-stop (well, maybe they didn’t, but it felt like it) and they…
As we approach Mother’s Day this weekend, let me tell you what an amazing job you’re doing with this whole mama thing. You, the one who works on spelling words at the kitchen table, hands out band-aids and makes sure their…
As a mama I’m always trying to do what’s best for my littles – and struggling to figure out just what that best thing is. I’m a long-time booklover and at any given moment you can usually find a parenting book…
Obviously I believe professional family photographs are an important way of ensuring you’re in the photographs (and that you look and feel great doing it). But I also know there are 364 other days of opportunity each year for you to…