Personalizing Your Child’s Space: An Interview with Homeworks Etc
I recently had the privilege of photographing the family of Homework’s Etc Kids owner Jacqueline De’ath. Homeworks Etc. offers wall décor for nursery and kids rooms including wood letters, growth charts, wall hooks and much more!
Like displaying family photographs on the walls of your home impacts your child’s self-esteem and sense of belonging, customizing their space has a similar effect. Jacqueline was kind enough to share her knowledge on the subject, as well as provide some tips for how you can personalize your child’s space.
Talk to me a little bit about why it’s so important to let your child personalize their space…
Jacqueline from Homeworks Etc: It is their space, after all. They’re going to be spending lots of time in it and I want them to feel comfortable in their own space, surrounded by things they enjoy and that interest them.
So beyond that, does personalizing their space do anything else for them?
Jacqueline from Homeworks Etc: Of course! Primarily it tells them that they matter. It communicates that your child is important enough to create a space specifically for them, because they’re a valued part of the family.
Love that! So what are some easy ways that you can personalize your child’s space?
Jacqueline from Homeworks Etc: The easiest way would be to put wood letters spelling initials or words that symbolize your child or brings meaning to them. Their first initial is always my go to when designing a space.
Just like we’ve done in this gallery here.
Jacqueline from Homeworks Etc: Exactly!
So what are some other ways a child can personalize their space?
Jacqueline from Homeworks Etc: Obviously, they can personalize their space with photography – pictures of them with their friends, family, siblings – which helps show connection to the family and the importance that child plays in the family.
A topic near and dear to our hearts!
Jacqueline from Homeworks Etc: Another great way to personalize their space is by showing their achievements – showcasing awards, certificates or anything they’re proud of. It’s important to be proud of those moments so put them on the wall! Another way is to put something they’ve created into the space whether it’s artwork, paintings, drawings, or terrariums. whatever it is they made. It truly makes the space their own.
Thanks so much Jacqueline for the great ideas! I love your terrarium idea and we’ll be working on that here soon.
I’d love to hear how you and your child have personalized their space! Comment below or send us a message.